Minggu, 24 November 2013

changes within 5 months

hai udah lama bgt gabuka ini blog hehe. sudah males dan gatau mo nulis apa. selama 5 bulan nggak buka dan menulis hal di blog, gak banyak yg berubah sih sebenernya. gue sudah kelas 9 di kelas B dan ya gitu deh kelas 9. yg berubah adalah keadaan di rumah, kakak dan ayah(pulang malam sering dinas) gua jarang dirumah. mbak silih berganti sampai skrg adanya mbak pulang pergi. jadi di rumah biasanya bertiga aja sama ibu dan adik gua. yang kerasa banget yaitu visionary gua tentang hidup sama do'a gua tiap habis shalat. oh ya, sekarang nggak ada lagi nyantai baca komik conan di kamar, marathon running man atau bbm-an atau fangirling ... yang dipikiran cuma belajar, dan ngetik tugas. dezulma & kartul yang bikin kantung mata tambah tebel. minus mata gue juga naik, dan sekarang punya silinder. sekarang latihan piano ganti hari, 1 jam setiap hari, (ceritanya saingan sama tetangga yang suka main drum dan berisik banget). gue juga pake behel! cory monteith udah nggak ada.. dan jadi sering nge ask sbg anonymous di askfm. nama angkatan sekarang udah ada! beberapa (sebenernya dua) favourite couples gue.. putus. dan sedih banget, padahal gue mau ngevote mereka buat buken. mungkin itu aja kali ya yang berubah.. oh ya! dan gak sekelas lagi sama beberapa teman yg pengennya sih sekelas lagi

superman aint that cool

tapi soal pandangan hidup gua, sekarang ini gue jadi lebih mikir yolo gitu. apa ya.. kayak lebih bodoamat soal apa yg terjadi, walaupun masih sulit mikir gitu. nggak begitu banyak berharap sama tuhan atas apa yg bakal terjadi kedepannya. seperti kata Ted di serial How I met your Mother s8 "Not try, just do". jadi i just let myself floating on life kalaupun ada disaster dan tenggelam, yaitu dijalanin terus... and remember that Allah selalu sama gua walaupun gua sendirian dalam masalah. dengan filosofi ini, gua ngerasa lebih dewasa dalam ngehadapin masalah, nilai jelek, keadaan ortu, kalau ada orang yang jahat sama gua.

so i will wrote something in the next 3/4/5 months!

nyesel gak ntn 1DDay. nyesel se nyesel-nyeselnya.
bye guys! doain gua masuk SMA 8 dan keterima SMA Labsky ya!

Selasa, 16 April 2013

i watched an american tv shows.. when i saw a scene where people drink 'alcohol' (and they're drunk), my first thought is.. what is that water.. how can it makes people telling the truth everytime they drink it. i think its a little funny when you're drunk and you tell some of secret you hide all of the time, secret that suffocating your chest, easily, HAHA but nope i dont want to. and then first time i knew the word 'drug' is from detective conan comic....volume 30.   renya karasuma's house case. where people smoking with marijuana leaf. and i ask my sister 'what is marijuana' and she told me that is a kind of narcotic. i think that 2 kind of water and a leaf is super weird.. how can how can how can people be addicted to that. i hope i would never try them(drugs and alcohol)

Senin, 15 April 2013

latepost hmm. okay on this  third day i would talk about my views on religion. religion is something you believe in. hmm i think any of us have different  opinion about this. but thats the point, i dont think that different opinion is causing a war or something that farfar away from a word 'peace'. But that different opinion should be something like a balance that can make a warm peace in this world.. I'm a moslem, and i haateeeeeee it when i remembered about 9/11  incident. why do people keep  arguing about this difference??? jussstt shut and keep it all different, live your own religion and respect the other. 
 لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ
Untukmu agamamu, dan untukkulah, agamaku
Your religion is for you, and my religion is for me

Minggu, 14 April 2013

yess second day yeaay. i guess what this day challenge means is what and where you want to be in the next 10 years. it means when i was 23.. i really really want to live in paris......... paris i think was a very good city it is full of art which is my life. i was dreaming about eiffel everynight before i sleep i hope soon i can standing there. i want to be a designer whatever category if it fashion graphic or product or maybe a aeroplane designer haha. an then ithink about when i was 23 i was a design school graduated-student in france, i travel around that capital city, paris. maybe now i just daydreaming about this, type my dream in this blog, standing in front of my laptop, but i hope this would be dream come true in the next 10 years!!
Jake - Adventure Time