Selasa, 16 April 2013

i watched an american tv shows.. when i saw a scene where people drink 'alcohol' (and they're drunk), my first thought is.. what is that water.. how can it makes people telling the truth everytime they drink it. i think its a little funny when you're drunk and you tell some of secret you hide all of the time, secret that suffocating your chest, easily, HAHA but nope i dont want to. and then first time i knew the word 'drug' is from detective conan comic....volume 30.   renya karasuma's house case. where people smoking with marijuana leaf. and i ask my sister 'what is marijuana' and she told me that is a kind of narcotic. i think that 2 kind of water and a leaf is super weird.. how can how can how can people be addicted to that. i hope i would never try them(drugs and alcohol)
Jake - Adventure Time